Sunday, March 02, 2008

Eight Months Later and I Still LIke My iPhone

My first cell phone (2001) - made calls, text message, calulator, calander, and other stuff I guess.

Second Phone LG (02-03) - One of the early color screens, loads of ring tones, text, calander, internet kind of, calculator, made calls, flip plone, alarm, not much more.

Third Phone LG (05) - Camera, made calls, calander, alarm, calculator, text + picture and sound, blah blah.

iPhone (07)- internet, video, podcasts, music, 8Gig, textmessage, touch screen, calander, camera, pictues, makes calls, email, maps + locater, weather, traffic, youtube, notepad, clock-alarm, stocks, news, wi-fi, plus more.

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