Wednesday, May 23, 2007

My Blog is really in the hole!

I have been doing some long and hard thinking about my blog today...

My mind has been focusing on post quality and my reasons for writing. The conclusion I have come to may be similar to yours. I have lost sight of why I am writing. I use to enjoy writing, but now all I think about is the money I make from the sponsored posts. I have no feeling about the topics anymore.

In an effort to make things right I am only going to make a max of one sponsored post a day. This effort will weed out the chance of junk posts. I make junk posts -like the last Heroes- post because I need to have a regular post between the sponsored ones. With my new rule, I can put some thought into my posts and still make money. I feel better about myself this way.


flip flop mama said...

Good job Spencer

Anonymous said...

Good plan. Things can get very dry fast if your not writing about something that interests you. I have a friend who does the blogs for pure money, and SEO hacks etc etc.. And when I see his sites I just want to close my browser. There's nothing fun about re-posts with 300 different ads on the page and no passion in the writing!


Magnitude said...

As you read, I really lost the joy of writing. It wasn't fun to write when I only thought of money. Lately I have been posting no payed posts. It has been good. Thanks for commenting.